The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lafayette College invites applications for a postdoctoral training opportunity for individuals who are interested in pursuing an academic career at a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI). The aim of this position is to assist a future faculty member preparing for a career at undergraduate-focused institutions by helping them build the skills and experiences needed to develop, fund, and maintain an undergraduate-driven research program. The Future PUI Faculty Scholar would gain the first-hand experience of working in a laboratory at a PUI, which would include mentoring undergraduate students while contributing to the research aims of an NSF CAREER grant centered in the area of stimuli-responsive polymers offering enhanced safety, longer lifespan, and reduced environmental impact.
In addition to collaborating on this project, the Future PUI Faculty Scholar will have the opportunity to participate in departmental and divisional professional development workshops and seminars. Additionally, they will also be encouraged to attend programming organized on campus by the Center for the Integration of Teaching, Learning and Scholarship (CITLS). They will also have the opportunity to present at national conferences and teach a guest lecture in an undergraduate course. The postdoctoral mentoring plan submitted as part of the funded grant will be shared and tailored to their unique interests and professional goals.

• Design and execute experiments in conjunction with undergraduate researchers, record experimental details, analyze and interpret data, and present findings in oral and written formats
• Mentor undergraduate researchers, modeling safe lab practices and integrity in research
• Participate in individual and group meetings
• Teach a guest lecture in an undergraduate materials science course on their research
• Support a collaborative, productive, and inclusive learning environment
• Other duties as assigned

• Ph.D. in chemical engineering, materials science, chemistry or a related discipline. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in polymer synthesis and characterization.
• Interest in working with and mentoring undergraduate researchers. Preference will be given to candidates who foresee mentoring undergraduates in research as an integral part of their future career, especially those considering a faculty career at a primarily undergraduate institution.
• Basic laboratory skills and research experience (safe lab practices, recording and analyzing data, careful use of instrumentation, and a commitment to honesty and research integrity).
• Ability to work effectively on a diverse team within a collaborative, supportive environment.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. The position is immediately available though there is flexibility in the start date. This is a grant-funded position for one year with the potential to extend for an additional year.
To apply, please submit the materials listed below to:
• A current CV
• A statement of career goals, research interests, relevant prior experiences, and how this opportunity may positively impact you (3 pages max)
• 1-2 letters of recommendation, one of which would ideally come from a research advisor
Questions? Email Melissa Gordon, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (

This program is supported by the Polymers Program in the National Science Foundation Division of Materials Research under Grant DMR-2143146.
Lafayette is deeply committed to creating a diverse community, one that is inclusive and responsive and is supportive of each and all of its faculty, students, and staff. All members of the College community share in the responsibility for creating, maintaining, and developing a learning environment in which difference is valued, equity is sought, and inclusiveness is practiced. All Lafayette operations reflect the College’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion (DEAI) initiatives, and Lafayette welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds.