Is your list of things to start doing this year too long? Why not consider things NOT to do in the workplace?

To be considerate of the safety and well-being of those around you, as well as yourself, it is recommended that you:

  • DON’T Burn candles in office areas
  • DON’T Use scented sprays or strong perfumes/colognes
  • DON’T Place foods that may contain known allergens – e.g., nuts, eggs, etc. – in open areas
  • DON’T Expose others to illness – stay home when sick and cover coughs and sneezes
  • DON’T Arrive late to meetings
  • DON’T Use speakerphone or talk loudly in an open office or with the door open
  • DON’T Clip your nails
  • DON’T Chew or snap gum loudly
  • DON’T Gossip about others
  • DON’T Leave your phone alerts at a volume that is distracting to others
  • DON’T Hum, sing, whistle, or play loud music
  • DON’T Leave a mess in shared spaces like a kitchen or break room
  • DON’T Leave the microwave unattended when warming up food
  • DON’T Get stuck in negative thinking patterns
  • DON’T Assume negative intent to someone’s actions (there are likely other explanations)

And, finally…

  • DON’T Forget to do your part in continuing to make Lafayette a great community!