Beginning January 23, 2025, employees will have access to the Retirement@Work® online retirement plan portal, which brings all of your Lafayette College Retirement Plan account information together, regardless of investment provider – TIAA or Fidelity. Additionally, the Lafayette College retirement plan will offer the option to make Roth after-tax contributions, beginning as early as your February pay. MORE

In the meantime, we strongly encourage you to register for the introductory webinar on January 22nd at noon as well as consider scheduling an individual retirement session with your account representative.

Fidelity — Schedule an individual counseling session with Fidelity at or by calling 800-343-0860, weekdays, between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (EST)

TIAA — Schedule an individual counseling session with TIAA at (select ‘schedule’, and log into your online retirement account) or by calling 800-732-8353, weekdays, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (EST)