Remote Work and Social Distancing at Work FAQs
Which employees are expected to work at home?
Any full-time or part-time employee (including union employees) who can do his/her job effectively at home will work remotely beginning as soon as practical and after discussion and approval from your immediate supervisor.
How do I prepare to work at home?
Each of us knows what we need to do our jobs. You can get ready by making sure you have the appropriate equipment, e.g., a computer with access to your files, internet access in your home, any paper files or records you need to do your job, a reliable phone (mobile and/or landline), etc. Please refer to this helpful information on our COVID-19 webpage.
I cannot do my job from home. Can I still come on campus to work?
You should discuss your situation with your immediate supervisor who will try to identify alternative work that you can do from home or find a way to sustain social distancing so that you can work in the office.
I am an hourly employee. How will I be paid?
We expect you to work your regular hours each day. You will record your time using the online timesheet. Questions about your time should be directed to your immediate supervisor.
What if I want to work outside of my regular hours?
Hourly employees should only work during their regularly scheduled hours. Any time worked above your regularly scheduled hours must be pre-approved by your supervisor in writing BEFORE you work them. This includes any time you spend using electronic communications for work purposes. Hourly employees should not check for, read, send, or respond to work-related emails/voicemails, texts, or documents outside of your regular work schedule unless authorized by your supervisor to do so. An hourly employee who works pre-approved hours between 36.25 and 40 must record these hours on that pay period’s timesheet and will be paid at one and one-half times the rate of regular pay or compensatory time, as required by federal law. An hourly employee who works pre-approved hours in excess of 40 hours per week must record these hours on that pay period’s timesheet and will be paid at one and one-half times the rate of regular pay, as required by federal law.
I have an underlying condition that makes me susceptible to complications if I contract COVID-19. How soon can I start working remotely?
These requests for accommodation are being handled on a case-by-case basis. You should discuss your work arrangements with your supervisor. You do not need to tell your supervisor any personal health information. If you prefer, you can begin the discussion with HR who will reach out to your supervisor regarding the work considerations.
I am an essential employee who must come to campus to work. What is being done to keep me safe?
The College has continued enhanced cleaning around our campus. If you are working on campus, you will be asked to practice stringent social distancing. This means you should work at least 6 feet away from any other person to the greatest extent possible. You should also practice the self-protection guidelines – wash your hands frequently, keep your hands away from your face. Greet others with a nod, or a wave or fist or elbow bump instead of a handshake.
I supervise someone who is a temporary, on-call or occasional employee? Will they get paid?
Generally, temporary, on-call or occasional employees only get paid for hours they work on our campus. If you have an employee in this category who you must assign essential work during this period, they should record any hours they work and they will be paid for them. Contact HR if you have any questions.